Yearly Archives: 2015

Men’s Health Month In The Highlands

More than 100 people heard about the importance of men exercising, as part of the fourth and final talk for Southern Highlands Men’s Health Month. Dr Terry Flynn, the Wingecarribee Health Association for Men (WHAM) patron, said the community’s response had been overwhelming and its demand for more provided his association with an enormous boost

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Cognitive behavioural therapy used to overcome fear of dentist

Estimates from the most recent Adult Dental Health Survey in the UK suggest around one in 10 British people suffer from dental phobia, the Australian Dental Association puts the national figure slightly higher at around 16% of the population. But a new UK study has published results suggesting cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could help those

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10 foods and drinks that make dentists wary

It’s not just chewy lollies and fizzy soft drinks that are enemies of your pearly whites. Some of the foods and drinks that can cause trouble for your teeth will probably surprise you. Visiting the dentist isn’t a favourite pastime for most of us. But taking care with what passes your lips might mean you

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Fluoride and protecting your child’s teeth

      Children’s teeth need particular protection as they develop. Suggestions include:   Brushing teeth without toothpaste until the age of 18 months Introducing a low-fluoride toothpaste when a child is approximately 18 months old. Choose a low-fluoride toothpaste designed especially for children Using a child-size toothbrush with soft bristles Using only a pea-size

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Lemon Water And Why It’s So Bad For Your Teeth!!

            We all know that lemon water is fantastic for your body from boosting our metabolisms to improving our immune systems   However   It’s terrible for our teeth. Lemon water is highly acidic and can very quickly erode your enamel; eventually this can cause your teeth to become hollowed

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Sports Gluttony

Tooth decay is caused by how frequently we snack and how long you are exposed to food at any one time. Every time you eat, your teeth are exposed to the sugars in food, this is called an ‘acid attack’. The bacteria in your mouth (plaque) use these sugars to make acid and if teeth

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Heart Health Basics for Women

Heart Health Basics for Women Heart disease is a serious concern for men and women alike. But recent studies reveal that cardiovascular disease affects women’s bodies differently. After decades of being overlooked in heart health research, women are finally getting some attention — and rewriting the rules on cardiovascular health. See how heart disease develops

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Halloween Ideas For Tooth Care

  With Halloween just around the corner (I know we live in Australia) here are some tips to help prevent dental decay   Choose carefully – avoid sticky lollies that cling to teeth or hard lollies that stay in your mouth for a long time.   Water – drink plenty of fluoridated water especially straight

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Dry Mouth

  Why do we need saliva? We need a steady flow of saliva to cleanse and keep our mouths moist for digestion of food. If we don’t have enough saliva, our mouths get uncomfortable and dry. Saliva helps to moisten food and makes it easier to chew, swallow and helps to protect teeth   What

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Periodontal Disease and Care

In Australia today the main reason adults lose teeth is periodontal disease. Identifying the signs and recording the symptoms of gum disease is part of any thorough initial dental examination. A health assessment for your gums is the single most important procedure we may offer you. Periodontal and gum disease are like other systemic diseases,

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