Dental Knowledge

Teeth Whitening

Benefits & Suitability Of Take-Home Tooth Whitening

Take-home tooth whitening can improve the appearance of darkened teeth and remove superficial staining. For many of our patients it’s a simple and effective way to enhance the natural beauty of your own teeth. Suitability Tooth whitening may not be suitable if: You have many older restorations (dental fillings) especially in your front teeth –

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Sensitive teeth

Sensitive Teeth

With the colder days still looming in the Southern Highlands a common problem is sensitive teeth – especially to cold. What can cause tooth sensitivity to cold? This is where the dentine of a tooth (see image below) is exposed. This can be due to a number of different things ranging from incorrect tooth brushing,

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COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update At Moss Vale Dental, the health and safety of our patients, and, our staff is our number one priority. Along with the rest of the world, we constantly monitor advice about the spread of illness caused by COVID-19, and what we should or should not do. We recently ‘stress-tested’ our infection control protocols

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Before you go . . .

Taking a trip? You plan EVERYTHING! (destination, tickets, connections, sunscreen, tell your relatives and friends, foreign currency, Australian currency!, credit cards, debit cards, travel cards, passports, visas, ESTA applications, insurance (you do get insurance, right?) BUT- do you plan for your oral health, and your teeth? Some points to remember: At Moss Vale Dental Centre,

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Asthma and Dental

Do you suffer from Asthma and take medication? Due to the cold weather that we’re having at the moment and also that cough that hangs around, we thought that we’d talk about asthma and medications. Research has shown that people with asthma are at an increased risk of tooth decay, tooth erosion, gum disease and

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57-59 Elizabeth Street

Moss Vale NSW 2577

(02) 4869 3111

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Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 17:30

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