Have you ever wondered why your dentist or dental hygienist ask questions about your overall health? Patrick, Miree and Magadalena are keen to update your medical story and learn if you have diabetes, heart disease or other health concerns so we can better manage the impact on your overall dental health. But it’s very common
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You’ve happily chomped on a hard piece of food and all of a sudden you have the shocking realisation that you have in fact, chipped your tooth. So now you’re thinking what to do next… In today’s blog, we’re addressing what you should do when you have chipped your tooth. It’s very hard to tell
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Many of us will experience some kind of a toothache in our lifetime – fewer will experience the more distressing and painful throbbing toothache. So, what do you need to know when experiencing this pain?
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Don’t worry, they are unlikely to be cold sores. Mouth ulcers (also referred to as apthous ulcers) are small sores that form in the mouth inside cheeks, lips, your tongue or at the base of the gums. Not to be mistaken with cold sores, which appear as blisters – generally on the outer lips –
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It’s an easy thing to do, especially during the social holiday season. You’ve stayed up late catching up with family and friends, and you can’t wait for your head to hit the pillow. Brushing your teeth isn’t a high priority, plus, it tends wakes you up more. Well, you may want to reconsider skipping this
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It’s never too early to begin introducing good dental care habits. As adults, we’re hopefully all aware of the importance of our dental health and it’s contribution to our overall health. However, it can be a bit more difficult for children to understand and manage on their own.
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Have you ever wondered about saliva? Why is it there? What does it do? Why is it so slimy? Saliva may seem to play a small role however, it actually plays an important role in the healthy functioning of your body.
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If you are self-conscious because you have missing teeth or you are wearing dentures that are uncomfortable, The below information provides what is involved and what they are. A dental implant is a procedure whereby a metal fixture is placed into the jawbone (this is usually a screw), and this implant acts as a
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More than 100 people heard about the importance of men exercising, as part of the fourth and final talk for Southern Highlands Men’s Health Month. Dr Terry Flynn, the Wingecarribee Health Association for Men (WHAM) patron, said the community’s response had been overwhelming and its demand for more provided his association with an enormous boost
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Estimates from the most recent Adult Dental Health Survey in the UK suggest around one in 10 British people suffer from dental phobia, the Australian Dental Association puts the national figure slightly higher at around 16% of the population. But a new UK study has published results suggesting cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could help those
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