Dental Knowledge


Experienced A Chipped Tooth?

You’ve happily chomped on a hard piece of food and all of a sudden you have the shocking realisation that you have in fact, chipped your tooth. So now you’re thinking what to do next… In today’s blog, we’re addressing what you should do when you have chipped your tooth. It’s very hard to tell

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Men’s Health Month In The Highlands

More than 100 people heard about the importance of men exercising, as part of the fourth and final talk for Southern Highlands Men’s Health Month. Dr Terry Flynn, the Wingecarribee Health Association for Men (WHAM) patron, said the community’s response had been overwhelming and its demand for more provided his association with an enormous boost

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Cognitive behavioural therapy used to overcome fear of dentist

Estimates from the most recent Adult Dental Health Survey in the UK suggest around one in 10 British people suffer from dental phobia, the Australian Dental Association puts the national figure slightly higher at around 16% of the population. But a new UK study has published results suggesting cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could help those

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