COVID-19 Update
At Moss Vale Dental, the health and safety of our patients, and, our staff is our number one priority. Along with the rest of the world, we constantly monitor advice about the spread of illness caused by COVID-19, and what we should or should not do.
We recently ‘stress-tested’ our infection control protocols and gained Accreditation under the ADA-QIP program for a modern dental practice.
Established patients would know that we already ensure the control of infection by always observing a full suite of ‘Personal Protective Equipment’ measures.
These include:
- Wearing masks and gloves
- Changing this PPE for each patient we treat
- Wearing protective eyewear and clinical gowns/scrubs
- Observing ‘Hand Hygiene’ measures including hand-washing and using alcohol-based hand rubs appropriately
We remain open and operational.
We are confident that our standard precautions that ensure your safety during treatment are robust enough to prevent any spread of a virus-borne infection.
When you arrive
Please use the alcohol hand-rub provided in the reception area. An alternative is to use the patient bathroom or the sink outside the x-ray room if you prefer to use liquid soap and water (just ask !)
During your appointment
We have provided hand sanitiser in the form of an alcohol-based hand rub in the reception area and for your use after using the Hicaps terminal.
Unfortunately, our world-famous collection of daily papers and cool magazines have had to be retired for the duration to reduce the chance of cross-infection; you might want to bring a book or your own device if you are waiting. But! you won’t be waiting long as we have staggered appointments to maintain social distancing.

If you have cold or flu-like symptoms, please let us know and we can reschedule your appointment. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us on 4869 3111.