When should your child see a dentist?
A great time for your child's first dental visit is as soon as your child can communicate with us.
The first dental experience children have should be positive. That’s why we highly recommend a Familiarisation Visit as part of our Children's Dentistry service. Seeing our gentle dentists well before there are any problems is important to establish a positive relationship with your child and the dentist.
What to expect at your child’s first dental visit
Our aim is to establish a relationship so that your child is comfortable in the environment of our office. Normally this means your child’s first dental visit is a get-to-know-you experience; if we identify any needed treatment we’ll schedule that for another day.
After we establish first names, we will introduce your child to some of the new elements of a dental visit. We’ll give your child a ride in the chair and show them how some of the equipment works. We find what works best is by reference to everyday things you have in your home that are similar to some things we use every day: our suction is used as a tiny vacuum cleaner; the air and water syringe is like a little water pistol (and a hair dryer). If we can gain a child’s confidence at this point we find it pays off if they do need treatment later on.
At the end of the visit we’ll offer a dip into a surprise box which is filled with treats like small toys, spinning tops, and stickers.

Children's Dentistry Services
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) offers basic dental services to children aged 2-17 years.
The total benefit entitlement is capped at $1,026 per child over a two-calendar-year period. The CDBS has a means test, which requires receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A (FTB-A) or a relevant Australian Government payment.
The CDBS provides individual benefits for a range of services including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions. Benefits are not available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and cannot be paid for any services provided in a hospital. [Extract from Federal Department of Health website]
We’re pleased to participate in the scheme as part of our Children's Dentistry Services.
This page explains how the scheme works within our practice. If you have questions about any aspect of care please send us an email:
Eligibility for Children's Dentistry
If your children are eligible for Government assistance under the scheme, you will receive notification from the relevant government agency. You should receive a form in the mail.
We can’t assess whether your children are eligible for the scheme-you will need a specific form to establish eligibility.
If you wish your children to be treated with the assistance of the scheme, please arrange for us to copy your form, so that we can determine what treatment can be completed. We must sight the form before any treatment is done. We are obliged to obtain details of funds available for treatment before any treatment (which includes an examination) is completed. The scheme is capped at $1026 per child every two calendar years and any amount already spent, if any, should be recorded in your children’s records here.
Consent, Appointments, Examination and Fees
The government requires that we obtain your consent before any treatment (and occasionally at other appointments) following an initial examination. You must also sign a designated government form to establish ‘informed financial consent’.
We ask that you tell us that you wish to have your children treated under the Scheme before any appointments are made. This scheme has some bureaucratic requirements with complex rules and prohibitions on certain types of treatment; we require some notice before any appointments are scheduled.
The first appointment under the scheme must include an examination, even if you have been patients here previously.
We will bulk-bill Medicare for your children’s treatment. For a full list of bulk-billed treatment, you can download by clicking here: CDBS Guide-What Can I have Done?
Child's Dental Treatment
We will complete needed treatment in accordance with the treatment plan developed during the examination, and within the bounds of the Scheme. If your child requires treatment that is not covered by the scheme, we will discuss this with you and determine the most appropriate way to manage the care of your child. You can elect to have some, all, or none of the treatment completed under the scheme; this may apply if you also have private health insurance for dentistry.
We may refer your child to a dental specialist or other appropriate colleague if required.
Some Common Procedures for Children
At the first appointment, our aim is to establish a relationship so that your child is comfortable in the environment of our office. Occasionally this means the first visit is a get-to-know-you experience only, with other treatment scheduled on another day.
If possible, we plan to take any necessary x-rays, record what teeth are present or absent, and note any problems including decay. Scaling , cleaning and polishing teeth and application of topical fluoride is also recommended.
Decay or cavities in deciduous (‘milk’) teeth can be a serious problem. Teeth that are lost because of decay before the permanent tooth is ready to take its place creates orthodontic problems such as crowding, a misaligned bite and difficulties in home care and cleaning.
If deciduous molars are badly affected by decay, we may recommend extraction. If a tooth is affected by deep caries, but it should be retained, we may also recommend a pulp-removal procedure (‘pulpotomy’) and a stainless steel crown.

stainless steel crown on deciduous tooth
What is not covered in our Children's Dentistry Services
-Some x-rays like OPGs and 3D imaging.
-photographs of teeth
-some endodontic procedures
If your child requires any of these items we’ll discuss their future treatment with you. You will be able to choose to use private health insurance or pay a fee to have these procedures completed.
Missed Appointments
If you make an appointment for your child to have treatment under this scheme, and we confirm the appointment prior to the day of treatment with you, and you or your child does not appear for the appointment, we will charge you for the missed appointment.
Missed appointment fee: $65.
(note: the Scheme does not have a rebate item for a missed appointment)
Recalls & periodic assessment
Regular care and maintenance is essential for good dental health. We offer a reminder service to our patients so dental care doesn’t ‘slip through the cracks’. Please let us know if you do not wish to be reminded of your next maintenance appointment.


3D imaging